Manual Reader Boards Cost Time and Money
February 16, 2024

A survey conducted by AAA determined that Americans spend an average of 17,600 minutes annually behind the wheel. That’s a lot of time spent driving past on-premise signs that advertise goods and services. Taking advantage of this with a quality digital signboard will help attract consumers — whether immediately or because they recall the sign’s message later.
To maximize their branding and advertising impact, many businesses have been replacing manual reader board signs with newer digital models. There are dozens of solid reasons to do this, but the main factors are cost efficiency and time. While a classic marquee board has vintage charm, a digital version will offer an even greater return and more flexibility. The sign experts at Watchfire have taken a closer look at why to upgrade your manual letter sign board to a digital on-premise sign.
Manual Reader Boards Cost Time and Money
Manual reader boards have been around for a long time and were used for advertising and promoting businesses and daily or weekly specials to pedestrians and drivers. The problem is that these boards are difficult to update and can be hard for passing motorists to read. We are living in a digital society that wants quick deals, brand-new promotions and unique messages that are responsive to an ever-changing marketplace.
LED signs make it easy for businesses to update their messages in real-time and reach a wider range of interests by rotating several messages. If you’re using a manual reader board, you have to physically switch out all the sign board letters yourself. This takes time that you could be spending on other aspects of running a business — and it can potentially be dangerous if your reader board is high off the ground.
Digital on-premise signs also give you more control over the type of content you display. On a marquee reader board, your letter sizes are limited to however tall each track is. This can hurt visibility and curb creativity. Conversely, an LED board gives you more control. You can switch from three lines of text to two and increase the letter size. Or you can display images and graphics. The added content possibilities let you reach more people and adapt to different audiences.
Digital Reader Signs Are Now Widely Accepted
As digital signage becomes a more integrated part of the advertising landscape, local zoning rules are keeping pace. While restrictions on brightness and message hold times differ, many municipalities welcome LED signs. This means it’s easier than ever to acquire an LED sign and use it as your main source of advertising. Digital signs mean no more manually changing letters in weather conditions; standing on a ladder or operating a long, unwieldy pole; or worrying about dropped letters hitting cars (or employees).
With an on-premise digital sign, your messages can be scheduled months in advance or updated within minutes without even stepping outside by using purpose-designed content management software. You can update messages as frequently as you want to reflect changes in the market, your inventory or even the weather.
LED Signs Boost ROI
Using a digital sign to promote your business isn’t just easier, but it is also more effective. LED displays are a turn-key advertising tool you control while saving thousands of man-hours annually. LED signs engage with individuals, are more dynamic and easier to read, can display many messages daily and allow businesses to focus on promotions. All these factors give them a clear advantage in bolstering any business or organization. A study by the University of Cincinnati, found that installing an on-premise LED reader board can produce a positive return on investment in as little as three months.
Technology is changing rapidly every year, and there is no better way to influence consumers when they are in a position to act upon your message than with on-premise digital signage. Retail stores, restaurants, churches and many other organizations can benefit from switching their manual sign boards to digital displays. Contact our team to learn more.