Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 101

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Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 101, based in Belleville, IL., has proudly supported Metro East Illinois with expert union trades in plumbing, pipefitting, and HVAC for over a century.

However, the union’s building was often overlooked due to its lack of signage. Located on a busy 50 mph road, the Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 101 realized they needed a solution that would increase their visibility in the community.

United Ink, a Belleville-based Watchfire sign company partner, was tapped to help the Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 101 find a solution.

“As a community-focused organization, we prioritize supporting other local businesses we trust,” shared Dan McKenna, Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 101’s business manager. “The United Ink team showed up with their demo truck so we could see our options up close. The quality of the displays, combined with Watchfire’s warranty, product availability, strong customer service, and the fact that they’re based in Illinois, made our decision easy.”

The unique display includes metal piping, combining eye-catching graphics with design elements that reflect the plumbers and pipefitters industry and mission. Messages rotate every 14 seconds, displaying member logos and contact information, and highlighting services available to those in the area.

“We are thrilled we can offer this value-add to our members. It’s the people in the community who are employing our members,” said McKenna. “Having a way to promote our members 24 hours a day, seven days a week, helps ensure our members keep working.”

Installation of the digital display was quick and efficient. According to McKenna, the United Ink and Watchfire teams worked together seamlessly, handled everything, and trained the team on programming.

“Watchfire is always great to work with,” said Tim Miesner, project manager at United Ink. “Like always, they stuck to their timelines and made installation simple. Their user-friendly software and dedicated customer service make them an easy choice to recommend to our customers.”

The new LED sign has become a powerful promotional tool for Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 101, driving interest from potential members and customers. It has transformed their building into a recognizable symbol of the plumbing and pipefitting trade, creating a modern, community-focused presence along one of Belleville’s busiest roads.


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