Keep Motorsport Fans Engaged with Video Content
May 29, 2018

Races bring heart-thumping excitement from the track to fans in the stands. From cars to dirt bikes, racing is anything but dull. Well, that is until the race is over. But often, in-between races or heats, fans disengage. They reach into their pockets and pull out smart phones to share their experiences with others. You want attention focused on what’s happening at your track. And that’s where a Watchfire video display comes in.
Watchfire video displays give everyone the best seat in the house by incorporating live action feeds, RSS feeds from social media platforms, and crowd prompts that help tell stories, build enthusiasm and generate fan loyalty.
Live interviews before or after races connect fans to their favorite drivers, pit crews, and others. Give your fans insight into the racer’s mindset and how each race fits into their overall season. Race sponsors will love seeing their drivers and their brand on a big screen. Even a live interview with an enthusiastic fan can bring a crowd to their feet.
Watchfire’s Ignite Sports software comes with every sports video display. Its innovative and intuitive design makes it easy to overlay names, racing numbers and leaderboard stats onto videos with a few clicks. Touch screen technology makes it easy to change displayed text to a hashtag or social media profile name to get your events trending.
Savvy sports fans have come to expect instant replays. During caution flags or rain delays, they’ll want to revisit adrenaline-pumping turns and close calls. Showing replays on a video display solidifies memories worth talking about. With its faster refresh rate and wider viewing angles, Watchfire’s S16mm display helps fans share their experiences with everyone in their networks.
Designed with sports venues, like racetracks and motocross parks, in mind, Watchfire’s S16mm features an ultra-high refresh rate of 4800 Hz and vivid, true-to-life images with 73.8 quintillion possible colors for smooth playback and broadcast-quality content. That’s good news for fans. They can record the video display without worrying about capturing flickering, wavy lines, tiling or odd colors. The better the video looks on social media, the more likely fans are to share it repeatedly.
Fans engage with your facility and events as they get to know the people involved. Interactive storytelling videos surrounding races can build that bond.
Once only available to race promoters with deep pockets, great looking videos can now be recorded and edited on cellphones and action cameras. Videos that offer a behind-the-scenes look at people and operations are the most memorable:
- Race car loading, unloading and setting up
- Drivers exploring the track
- Facilities getting ready before the gates open
- Die-hard fans tailgating before the race
- Pit crews and crew chiefs in action
Whether you use live, replay or recorded videos, it’s all about building a phenomenal fan experience that leads to bigger crowds and happier sponsors. Don’t leave it to chance. Choose Watchfire and encourage fans to stay engaged throughout the event. Choose the best-looking, most reliable video displays in racing.